What It’s All About

So… a first post. A real first post.

I decided to start this blog for a few reasons. First, to document everything I’m doing at work in hopes that it can help someone else avoid the hours and hours of frustrating searches I had to go through to find the answers I needed.

The second reason is really a continuation of helping people – but instead of limiting it to my work-related projects, I’m going to try and offer up my thoughts on working with technology. Mind you, it won’t necessarily be the “right way” (as if there even is such a thing!), but it will be a tried and true method I use with positive results. I’m also thinking about opening things up and taking tech questions from people – either through email or a forum system. I haven’t quite decided yet, but when I do you’ll read about it here.


I just needed another “me” project.

So, coming soon, I’ll be posting tech-related entries on a variety of topics. Some related to my job, some related to non-work tech stuff, possibly reviews of new stuff coming out. Really, at this point it’s all up in the air. But I do know where I want it all to land.

Welcome, and I hope if you’ve come here looking for answers I’m able to provide them, or at least point you in the right direction.

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